Track progress in the "Test Progress" section

Where Can The Progress Of Testing Related Work Items Be Tracked?

Test Dashboard helps in understanding the test case and defects status and helping the user to identify critical business process which are related to the transactions known as the VVV analysis. The Dashboard has three sections: VVV analysis, Status of work items, Resource utilization table. 

I. Navigation
  1. Select " Test Cockpit" from KTern's Digital Labs.

  2. Navigate to "Dashboard" in the Test Suite Cockpit.

II. VVV Analysis

The VVV Scoring Dashboard covers the Value, Velocity, and Volume Analysis of the business per transaction usage. There could be ā€˜nā€™ number of business processes in a system. This dashboard identifies the critical business processes and prioritizes the test cases which must be tested based on the following factors:

  1. Value: This score denotes the merit and significance of the transactional execution for the business scenario.

  2. Volume: This score denotes the magnitude of the data and documents obtained from the transactional execution of the business scenario.

  3. Velocity: This score denotes the frequency of the transactional execution for the corresponding business scenario.

III. Status of Work Items

In KTern Dashboard, you can also find the breakdown of test cases and defects by status. It gives a graphical representation of the new, active, performed and approved test cases/defects. It also represents the split of these work items by modules, business process and type of testing.  These can be filtered based on:
  1. The Test plan they belong to
  2. The Test scenario they belong to
  3. User Assigned
  4. Created By

IV. Resource Utilization Table

This table provides an overview of all the stakeholders and testers involved in the project. It has a list of all the testers working in the project along with the number of test cases allocated to them. It also tracks the progress of each stakeholder with respect to test case execution.

Thus, the test suite dashboard becomes the one dashboard using which the project manager can monitor all the test cases and progress of testing process as a whole, in the project.

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