What Is Test Case & How Do You Create A Test Case In Digital Labs?

What Is Test Case & How Do You Create A Test Case In Digital Labs?

What is Test Case?

Test Case is a step by step by procedure that is used to test an application. Test case template includes Test Suit ID, Test Data, Test procedure, Actual results, Expected results etc. You can also create new test plans, test scenarios under test plan and test cases linked to test scenarios in KTern. While creating them, you can assign the modules to which they belong, the type of testing, priority and stakeholders as well. The workflow management is taken care by KTern while we perform any action on the test case, thereby enhancing the collaboration among the project stakeholders.

How to create a Test Case?

To create a Test Scenario, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on ‘Create New’ button present in the Test Catalog.

  2. Clicking on that button, you will be provided with options – Test Plan, Test Scenario and Test Case. Choose "Test Case". 

  3. Now ‘Create Test Case’ drawer will be opened as shown below: 

  4. Fill the form as instructed below:
    1. Overview tab
  1. Test Case Title: Enter the test case title. This field is mandatory.

  2.  Description: Enter the description. This field is optional.

  3. Status: Choose the Status – New, Active, Performed, Approved. This field is mandatory.
    1. New: if the test case is about to start
    2. Active: if the test case is started
    3. Performed: if the test case is tested
    4. Approved: if the test case is approved by the stakeholder

  4. Type: Choose the Test Case type – Interface testing, Integration testing, User acceptance testing, Unit testing, Security testing, Smoke testing. This field is optional.

  5. Result: Choose the test case result – Untested, Passed or failed. This field is mandatory.

  6. Parent name: Choose the Parent name under which this new issue is to be linked up with. You can search for the Task ID / Task title. Since KTern.AI follows strict Activate methodology, you require to link the new task with any of the activate tasks. This field is mandatory.

  7. Test Plan: Choose the Test Plan under which the new test case has to be linked with. This field is mandatory.

  8. Test Scenario: Choose the Test Scenario under which the test case has to be linked with. This field is mandatory.

  9. Priority: Choose the Priority. This field is optional.

ii. Stakeholder Information
  1. You can add as many stakeholders and participants as needed to the test case.

  2. If you need to add new stakeholder, just click on "Add new Stakeholder".

  3.  To remove any stakeholder, simply click the flat remove icon "" next to the respective owner's name.

iii. Planned vs Actual
  1. On selecting the Planned vs Actual tab, you can see as shown below:

  2. Select the planned start date of the task. This field is mandatory.

  3. Only is the planned start date is selected, the planned end date field will be enabled. This field is also mandatory.