What Is Digital Mines?

What Is Digital Mines?

Overview of Digital Mines:

  1. Digital Mines is an innovative stream designed for SAP releases, employing advanced technologies like Change Impact Analysis and autonomous digital bots.

  2. It acts as a centralized hub for efficient SAP DevOps, ensuring smooth releases and minimizing risks.

  3. Digital Mines, a core module within the KTern.AI suite, revolutionizes change impact analysis and process optimization during SAP releases.

  4. It serves as an autonomous enterprise release impact solution, providing insights into the consequences of changes, thereby ensuring risk-free go-lives.

Note: The primary focus of Digital Mines is to streamline the change impact analysis process, eliminating effort, minimizing delays, and mitigating risks associated with SAP releases.

Introduction to Digital Mines

  1. Digital Mines are tailored to mine existing business processes, identify areas for optimization, and analyze the impact of changes on these processes and associated tests during each SAP release.

  2. By leveraging intelligent bots, Digital Mines automate various aspects of the release impact analysis, facilitating a smoother and more efficient transition.

  3. It is a comprehensive solution provided by KTern that specializes in achieving riskless SAP releases through advanced Change Impact Analysis.

  4. It streamlines the entire release process by offering features such as Change Impact Mining, Release Impact Simulation, Test Fits & Gaps, Process Impact, and Change Management Orchestrator.