What Are The Different Types of User Access Levels In KTern.AI?

What Are The Different Types of User Access Levels In KTern.AI?

Understanding the access levels in KTern.AI is crucial to ensuring that every team member can contribute effectively while maintaining security and strategic integrity. Let's explore how each role is empowered to make a meaningful impact. This document outlines the 4 different user access control types available in KTern.AI:

  • Super
  • Standard
  • Basic
  • Limited

Each access level grants specific permissions for users to interact with various KTern.AI functionalities and features.

1. Super 

Super Users have comprehensive control over project elements, allowing them to oversee and manage everything except updating existing files, ensuring continuity and reliability.

Project Details✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Project Plan✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Work Package✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Test Case✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

Examples: Think of the PMO Team, Board Management Members, Customer Success Manager (CSM), or PMO Director as the guiding force. They steer decisions and ensure projects run seamlessly from the top down.

Advanced Settings for Super User: To avoid Multiple Updates from Multiple Super Users in Timeline
Note: Advanced Settings Options is visible only for Super user
 i. Navigate to Transformation Hub->Users.
           ii. Navigate to respective user -> edit icon. A drawer gets opened up and click on advanced setting and select the phase / work package.

2. Standard User

Standard Users possess operational authority to manage their workstream effectively, with the ability to add, update, and track tasks, issues, and test cases. They play a crucial role in maintaining workflow momentum while respecting strategic project plans.

Project Details✔️✔️
Project Plan✔️✔️
Work Package✔️✔️
Test Case✔️✔️*✔️

Example: Workstream Leads/ Practice Leads/ Delivery Leads/ Lead Consultants or any leaders who are pivotal in driving project execution and ensuring tasks are completed on time.

3. Basic User

 Basic Users are empowered to view, add, and update specific project features such as tasks, issues, and test cases. Their contributions are essential for detailed project execution, while ensuring project consistency and integrity.

Project Details✔️✔️
Project Plan✔️✔️
Work Package✔️✔️
Test Case✔️✔️**
  1. ✔️ Allowed
  2. ❌ Not Allowed
  3. * Restricted Access (User only for certain actions if he/ she is assigned to or created by owner)
Example: Consultants/ Associate Level Consultants / any users who are the backbone of project execution and handles day-to-day tasks and contribute to the project's progress with meticulous attention to detail.

4. Limited User

Limited Users have the most restricted access level and can only view basic project information. They play a crucial role in maintaining project visibility while upholding security measures.

Project Details✔️✔️
Project Plan✔️✔️
Work Package✔️✔️
Test Case✔️**
  1. ✔️ Allowed
  2. ❌ Not Allowed
  3. * Restricted Access (User only for certain actions if he/ she is assigned to or created by owner)
Examples: Interns/ External Partners/ Auditors or any user who need transparency into project operations without influencing core project data.

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