How To Track My Day-To-Day Activities?

How to track and update my day-to-day activities using My Workspace ?

About My Workpsace in KTern.AI
  1. Navigate to My Workspace
    1. Navigate to My Workspace within your respective project.
    2. Click on My Worktimes to get an overview of your Tasks, Issues, Test cases, Signoffs, Risks, and CTAs.

  2.  To Focus on your Activities, click on 
    1. My Tasks - > Tasks which are assigned to you.
    2. My Issues -> Issues which are assigned to you.
    3. My Test Cases -> Test Cases which are assigned to you.
    4. My Signoffs -> Signoffs which are assigned to you.
    5. My Risk -> Risks which are assigned to you
    6. My CTAs -> CTAs which are assigned to you

  3.  You can also filter your tasks, based on the status, created on, priority, and parent task to which your status is linked. This will help in locating your activity and update it.

  4. To stay informed on task details such as References, and Ongoing Discussions, simply click on the info icon next to each task. This will give you quick access to any additional context or relevant information associated with the task, allowing you to stay up-to-date and aligned with your team’s discussions and resources

  5. Click on a task to update its status. Move it from New to Active as you start working, and mark it Completed when finished. It’s a quick way to stay on top of your workload.

  6. Monitor your progress - The progress chart on the right shows a snapshot of your tasks by status—New, Active, and Completed—so you can visualize your progress at a glance. Total and overdue tasks are also highlighted below the chart, helping you stay proactive.

  7. Click on overdue and you will be able to see those tasks that are overdue.

  8. By regularly updating your tasks and staying informed on details through KTern.AI, you’ll keep your projects on track and collaborate more effectively with your team.

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