How To Track My Day-To-Day Activities?

How To Track My Day-To-Day Activities?

My Workspace is a personalized space where you can view your day-to-day activities including overdue items. This includes tasks, issues, test cases, signoffs, user stories, risks, and CTAs, giving you a comprehensive view of your allotted work and progress.

Ways to track your daily activities

I. My Work items
1. Tasks
  1. Relations
    1. Choose relation [Eg: Assigned to me, Created by me, Involved as participant].

    2. User could choose any one at a time.

    3. By default, you’ll get data under “Assigned to me” filter.

  2. Filters

    1. View or Hide filters

      1. Filters: Status, Phase, Workpackage, and Assigned To.

      2. Choose the filters needed and leave the unwanted ones.

      3. By default, the status filter will be “New and Active,” and the concerned work items will be listed.

    2. Time frame

      1. Options: Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month.

      2. All the work items coming under the above respective filter can be viewed, if they are chosen.

      3. Use Case: Overdue items – Month

        1. Determine overdue items based on task duration.

        2. Provides insights on overdue tasks.

  3. View/Hide Chart

    1. Provides an analytical overview of progress and overdue items.

  4. Bulk Updating

    1. Use check boxes for bulk editing [Select atleast 2 check boxes to enable the bulk update icon].

    2. Search work items by title using the search bar, if required.

    3. Click the bulk update icon to make changes to multiple tasks simultaneously.

  5. Inline Editing

    1. Quickly update task status using inline editing.

2. Issues
  1. Customization

    1. Select columns to view necessary information.

  2. Filters

    1. Refine search based on creator and issue status.

3. Test Cases
  1. Priority

    1. Filter for overdue tasks with specific statuses for prioritization.

  2. Completion

    1. Ensure timely completion of testing efforts.

4. Signoffs
  1. Approval Process

    1. Utilize Levels of Approvers feature for streamlined approval. - Make changes to signoff items easily.

5. User Stories
  1. Management

    1. Create, manage, and prioritize user stories using tailored filters.

6. Risks
  1. Identification

    1. Prioritize risks based on severity using the impact score.

  2. Mitigation

    1. Track risk mitigation activities for effective management.

7. CTAs (Call to Actions)

  1. Monitoring

    1. Monitor CTAs assigned to you or others.

    2. Receive email notifications for assigned CTAs.

II. Recent activities in the project

  1. Capture and reveal recent changes made to work items.

  2. Expand or hide recent activity table for better visibility.

III. Upcoming/Ongoing events

  1. View upcoming events scheduled for you.

  2. Utilize this feature to remember important meetings and commitments.

IV. Mentions

  1. Receive notifications when your name is tagged or mentioned in comments or discussions.

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