How To Post A Question Or Express A Doubt In HANAPEDIA?

How To Post A Question Or Express A Doubt In HANAPEDIA?

Posting a Question

  1. By clicking on the icon displayed in the image, you will be redirected to the discussion forum.

  2. There, you can explore a list of discussions covering various questions and ideas from different individuals.

  3. You can share your opinions and knowledge on these discussions.

To post your doubt or queries, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Ask Question" button. A drawer will open.

  2. Type your question in the title box and provide a detailed description in the description box.

  3. Choose relevant tags from the available pre-used tags. If none fit your question, type a new tag name in the tag box and press enter.

  4. The newly created tag will appear at the bottom of the list; select it.

  5. Click the "Post" button to submit your question for others to view.