How To Manage Your Basic Details?

How to manage your basic details in a project?

Managing Basic Details in KTern: A Guide to Project Settings

  1. Project Settings in KTern offer customization and configuration options for your projects based on your needs.

  2. To access Project Settings, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Profile icon.

  2. Choose "Project Settings."

  3. You will be redirected to the Project Settings page.

Basic Details

  1. The Basic Details section allows you to oversee fundamental information about your project, including project name, dates, customer details, system integrators, and project overview.

  2. Select the desired project from the dropdown list to view basic project details.

  3. Click on the edit icon (pencil icon) next to the project details.

  4. Modify the necessary information, such as project name, dates, customer name, system integrators, and project overview.

  5. After making the required changes, click the “Update Project” button to save the changes.

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