How to manage the project events ?
Project Events
A Project Meeting is a regular event that involves everyone, who shares or is interested in the project, in communicating with other participants and stakeholders by discussing issues, making proposals, approving or rejecting offers, for the purpose of generating group decisions that contribute to quicker project delivery, according to the planned goals and expected results.
Viewing the Events of the Project
To view the list of events in a project, perform the following steps:
Click on ‘Project Hub’ menu in the sidebar. Under Project Hub, select ‘Calendar’ option.
You will be redirected to Events page.
In that page, click on ‘Events’ tab to view the list of events of the Project as shown below:
Adding an Event
To add an event, perform the following steps:
If you are logged in within a Project, you can see a plus icon on the top bar as shown below:
Clicking on the plus icon, you will get the list of work item options – Task, Issue, Test Case and Event. Click on Event option.
Clicking on ‘Event’ option, the drawer will be opened to create an event as shown below:
Fill the form as per the recommendations given below:
- Event Name: Enter the event name. This field is mandatory.
- Event Agenda: Enter the agenda of the event. This field is mandatory.
- Event Date: Choose the event date
- Start Time: Choose the start time
- End Time: Choose the end time
- Participants: Choose the Participants of the event
- Meeting Status: Choose the meeting status
- Scheduled: During event creation, this status is selected by default. This denotes that the event is about to happen.
- Started: When the event is started, this status is chosen
- Completed: When the event is over, this status is chosen
- Parent Name: Choose the Parent task under which this new event is to be linked up with. You can search for the Task ID / Task title. Since KTern.AI follows strict Activate methodology, you require to link the new task with any of the activate tasks.
- Event Link: Enter the event link. E.g., Microsoft teams meeting link
- Event Location: Enter the event location/Venue
Click on Submit button to create a new event.
Organizing Event with KTern.AI
You can organize meetings efficiently with KTern.AI. To do so, perform the following steps:
To view the event wizard, navigate to Events page present in the Project Hub (application sidebar). Click on the ‘Arrow’ icon to view the detailed information about the event as shown below:
Navigating the Event Wizard
- Event Information Card: At the top of the Event Wizard, you can view the Event Information card. You can view the basic details about the event – Event name, Parent task name, Status, Participants, Date, Time & venue as shown below:
There are four tabs present in the Event Wizard – Summary, Meeting Notes, Discussions, Files.
Adding the summary of the event
The event summary is the list of points discussed (information), issues, Status checks, decisions taken and CTAs (Call to actions) assigned.
You can add summary of the event by clicking on the ‘Add new’ button present under the summary tab as shown below:
Clicking on Add summary button, a popover form will be displayed to add summary points as shown below:
Fill the popover form using the recommendations given below:
- Type: Enter the summary type – Information, Issue, Status, Decision and CTA.
- Title: Enter the summary title
- Assigned to: Choose the responsible person for the respective summary point. This field is optional.
Clicking on Submit button to add a summary point. You can view the summary points of the event as shown below:
Adding the Meeting Notes
You can also add meeting notes in the Editor provided under the Meeting notes tab of the Event Wizard as shown below:
Adding the discussions
To add a discussion against an event, you can add it under the Discussions tab of the Event wizard as shown below:
Adding the files
To upload a file against an event, you can use Files section under the event wizard as shown below:
Downloading the Meeting Report
KTern.AI provides automated documentation for the events. You can download the event report in the Event information card.
Editing the Event details
To edit an event, you can click on edit button present in the Event Information card of the event wizard. You can also edit the event in the Events page.
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