How to invite a new user to KTern?

How to invite a new user to KTern?

  1. When users log into the KTern application, they will automatically land on the Home - Project Launchpad page.

  2. After logging in, user can view a list of projects that they are a part of on Home Launchpad. Then the user can select and enter the project of their choice by launching it.

  3. Upon landing in "My Workspace," user can access the Transformation Hub by clicking the Hamburger icon located in the top left corner of your screen.

  4. From the navigation bar that appears, choose "Users" from the dropdown menu.

  5. Upon redirection to the Users page, users can find a list of project stakeholders along with their details, including team, role, and reporting head.

  6. To add a new user to this project, click on 'Add User.'
  7. Fill in the necessary details for the new user, such as their email address, team, role, reporting hierarchy, access level, and organization type (System Integrator or Customer). 

  8. Click "Submit" to complete the process. 

  9. The invited stakeholder will then receive an email invitation to join the project. After accepting the invite by triggering the "Join" button, the user will become a part of this project.

  10. The invitation status of the users, such as whether they have accepted the invite or not, can be viewed.

  11. To re-invite a user, click the third icon.

  12. If any user's details need to be modified, click on the edit icon. 

  13. To remove a user from the project, click the delete icon.

  14. To enhance user convenience, a grouping feature is available. Users can utilize this feature to group users based on their invite status, role, team, and reporting hierarchy.

  15. If a list of users who are part of the project is needed, click the download icon.

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