How To Govern Your Project Portfolio With Specific Projects And Modules In KTern?

How to govern your project portfolio with specific Projects and Modules in KTern.AI?

  1. After logging into Navigate to "My Portfolios".
  2. Click on "My Portfolios" and select your respective project.
  3. Select your desired module from drop down.
  4. After selecting repective module , select any of the below KPIs:
    1. Project Pulse: This KPI provides a summary of a particular project, including start and end dates, total tasks, milestones, and signoffs. It gives you a quick snapshot of the project's current status.
    2. GSI Insights: This KPI assists in understanding process-related metrics, such as process items assigned to process owners, GSI (Global System Integrator) items by process level, and process item status. It helps in managing process-related aspects of the project. 
    3. Signoff Trail: This KPI provides a summary of signoffs, including total signoffs, overdue signoffs, total approvals, total rejections, and resource-based status for each project and its Line of Business (LOB). Signoffs are important for project approvals and progress tracking.
    4. Testing Trail: This KPI offers a summary of testing-related metrics, such as test cases, overdue test cases, overall test coverage, issue coverage by status, and pending test cases by assignee. Effective testing is essential for ensuring project quality.
  5. By using these KPIs and reports within KTern, project managers and stakeholders can actively govern and manage projects, ensuring that they stay on track, address issues, and meet their objectives. It's important to customize and adapt these features to suit your specific project management needs and objectives.