How to govern the project using weightage?

How to govern the project using weightage?

Governing a project using weightage typically involves assigning weightage to phase,
work package, tasks to prioritize and make decisions based on their relative importance.
This can be especially useful in project management for decision-making, risk
assessment, resource allocation, and performance evaluation.
This documentation will provide understanding on how to calculate and manage
weightage in project planning using the KTern platform. Since weightage is crucial for
project tracking and helps measure progress accurately.
i) Project Planning
To begin, log in to the application at Then, follow these steps:
• Click on "Digital Projects."
• Select "Timeline."
ii) Creating a Project Plan
creating a project plan, make sure to include the following essential fields:
• Phase
• Work Package
• Task L1
• Planned From
• Planned To
• Status
iii) Weightage Calculation:
Once a project plan is created and uploaded in KTern platform, the next
important step is weightage. Weightage calculations happen as a roll-up. Here's
an example to illustrate the process with a sample project plan:

As seen in the above image, planned weightage, actual weightage, and
weightage progress from phase to task level is 0.00000.
Now, Enter the weightage of task level for WBS 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 and click on
Now, based on weightage roll up method the planned weightage for WBS (1.4)
becomes 15.0000 (as seen in above image) but the weightage progress still
remains 0% since the status of the tasks are new.
Note: The planned weightage for Work package will be calculated only, if the tasks
are added and planned weightage is defined for those tasks else the planned
weightage for Work package will be 0.0000.
Weightage Roll Up:
Step 1: The sum of weightage at task level gets rolled up to the parent Work
Step 2: The sum of weightage of all the Work Packages rolls up to parent phase.
In general, the planned weightage of child activity gets rolled up to parent activity.
iv) Calculating Actual Weightage
Actual Weightage is calculated based on task status:
When the status is "New," actual weightage = 0.
When the status is "Active," actual weightage = 0.2 * planned weightage.
When the status is "Completed," actual weightage = planned weightage.
An example illustrates how status updates affect actual weightage.

 The status of WBS is 1.4.2 is changed to active and now actual weightage is
changed to 2.0000 and simultaneously it also changes the actual weightage of work
package with WBS (1.4) as 2.00000 and phase with WBS (1) as 2.0000 (as seen in
above image)
v) Understanding Weightage Progress:
Weightage progress (%) = (Actual Weightage / Planned Weightage) * 100.

So now as seen in the above image, as soon as the status of the task changes, the value of
actual weightage also changes and hence weightage progress also increases.

With just the few steps mentioned above, now you will be able to plan your weightage and track the project based on weightage.

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