How to Govern Key User Training?

How to Govern Key User Training?

I. Key User Training

After planning the learning plan, setting up key user training is essential. To streamline this process, KTern.AI offers a convenient method to schedule multiple training meetings simultaneously using Clone and Create and Events Management.

  1. Schedule Key User Training Meetings by Clone & Create
    1. Navigate to the template by Clicking the right sidebar ->Project settings.

    2. On clicking the “Create a New Template” a new screen will be appearing towards the bottom part.

    3. Name the template and add the format of the items to be created. Under rules, KTern allows you to choose certain rules that can be applied during the creation of items.

    4. Go to the meeting section and create a template for the key user training.

    5. Assign the condition such as the planned dates and the parent tasks.

    6. Click on the create button.

    7. Now you can view the template above as shown in the figure, now you can select the template and update the details as of your need. 

    8. After creating a template navigate to the Clone & create by clicking on Transformation Hub. The main use of “clone and create” is to create process activities by linking the project plan and GSI.

    9. This helps with a reduction in time consumption on creating tasks or meetings with redundant names under each phase. This allows the user to create tasks with unique names, rather than duplicating the tasks with the same set of names, under different phases.

    10. Click the link Item A and select the project plan and select the task L2 in the dropdown.

    11. Select the “BPD/Key User Training” Checkbox by navigating to wave1 -> Realize.

    12. Select the greater than symbol (>) to bring out the chosen items into the selected items list, which is present in the right side.

    13. Now, Click the Link Item B and select the GSI and click the Line of business from the dropdown.

    14. Select all the GSI by Clicking on the Select All icon.

    15. Now, Click the  template you created before in the project settings.

    16. Once after choosing the template, this screen will be visible, where there’ll be a list of tasks in which project plan and process are being cloned. KTern provides a benefit with “Quick Fill” option, where the user could fill in the following columns in a single click: Parent Name, meeting start and end date and time.

      After successfully creating the meetings go to the Calendar & Events in Transformation Hub. Now you can view all the meetings you have created using clone & create.

  2. Manage the Key User Training Sessions using Events Management

    1. Click on the edit icon of the meeting that you created now and edit the details as you need like participants, Event agenda, Event link and location and click on update.

    2. After update click the launch icon to go to event wizard.

    3. At the top of the Event Wizard, you can view the Event Information card. You can view the basic details about the event – Event name, Parent task name, Status, Participants, Date, Time & venue as shown below:

    4. There are four tabs present in the Event Wizard – Summary, Meeting Notes, Discussions, Files.

    5. The event summary is the list of points discussed (information), issues, Status checks, decisions taken, and CTAs (Call to actions) assigned. You can add summary of the event by clicking on the ‘Add new’ button present under the summary tab as shown below:

    6. Fill the popover form using the recommendations given below:

      1. Type: Enter the summary type – Information, Issue, Status, Decision and CTA.

      2. Title: Enter the summary title

      3. Assigned to: Choose the responsible person for the respective summary point. This field is optional.

    7. Clicking on Submit button to add a summary point. You can view the summary points of the event as shown below:

    8. You can also mark the attendance by selecting the participants name who all attended and click on save button.

    9. You can also add meeting notes in the Editor provided under the Meeting notes tab of the Event Wizard as shown below:

    10. To add a discussion against an event, you can add it under the Discussions tab of the Event wizard as shown below:

    11. To upload a file against an event, you can use Files section under the event wizard as shown below:

      KTern.AI provides automated documentation for the events. You can download the event report in the Event information card.

      After the events have been successfully completed mark the status of the events by clicking on the edit icon again and select the status as “Completed” and press the update as shown below.

      This will automatically increase the task active percentage of completion which is reflected in the timeline as shown below. Once every Event got completed the task will be marked as completed as well.

    12. Navigate to Simulation by following Digital Projects -> Timeline.

    13. Go to the Realize phase -> Key User Training and check the status whether it is changed to completed.

  3. Track the Events details using the My Workspace

    During the Key user training there might be a few questions and issues that can be raised by various stakeholders in the call. These can be created in the meeting summary as discussed above and this can be effectively tracked in my workspace. To do so,

    1. Navigate to My Workspace

    2. Click on the CTA tab

    3. By default you can view all the CTA that is assigned to you by Clicking on this dropdown you can choose the relation such as: assigned to me , created by me

  4. Key User Training Portfolio

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