Here are the steps you can follow to create signoff item using KTern:
Step 1: Click on the “Add Signoff” button.
Step 2: This will open a drawer where you can specify the details of the signoff as mentioned below:
In the overview tab, you will find the following fields:
Signoff Title: Please enter the title for the signoff. This is a mandatory field.
Description: You can enter an optional description for the signoff.
Criteria: Enter the acceptance criteria for the respective signoff item. This field is mandatory.
Condition: This is an optional field where you can enter a conditional acceptance statement.
Status: The default status of the signoff item is set to ‘New’.
Signoff Group: Choose the appropriate signoff group from the provided options.
Tags: Add tags to the signoff item for easy filtering and organization.
Levels: You can set up multiple levels of signoff approval. To create a new level, click on the ‘Add New Level’ button. Upon clicking, a new level will be added as shown below:
Please make sure the approver has accepted the user invite of KTern.AI and the user is the member of the respective project in KTern.AI.
Approvers: You can add one or more approvers for each level. To add an approver for a specific level, click on the ‘Add Approver’ button. Choose the Owner and Due Date for each approver field.
Approver Levels: A signoff can be configured to have multiple levels of approvals, and each level of approval can have multiple parallel approvers.