How To Create An Issue In KTern?

How To Create An Issue In KTern?

Creation of an Issue

1. When logged into a project, locate the plus icon on the top header. Click on it to reveal a list of work item options: Task, Issue, Test Case, and Event.

2. Select the Issue option. Upon selection, a drawer labeled "Create New Issue" will appear. This drawer consists of three tabs: Overview, Stakeholder Information, and Planned vs. Actual.

  1. Overview Tab

    1. Enter a short title. This field is mandatory.

    2. Provide a detailed description of the issue. This field is optional.

    3. Select the issue status from the following options:

      1. New: If the issue is new and about to start.

      2. Active: If the issue is in progress.

      3. Resolved: If the issue is finished.

      4. Approved: If the issue is approved by the relevant stakeholder.

    4. Choose the issue type from options such as Data, Configuration, Development, Authorization, and Others. This field is mandatory and allows for multiple selections.

    5. Toggle the icon if it's raised to SAP. On toggling, another mandatory field will appear asking for the incident number.

    6. Choose the issue source, such as general, defect captured from testing, discovery, design, develop/build, cutover, or training.

    7. Link the issue with an existing test case to denote where the issue arose from. You're also given the option to link the risk associated with this issue.

    8. If tags are needed, proceed with choosing the required ones.

    9. Select the priority of the issue:

      1. Least: If the issue is ambiguous.

      2. Low: If the issue is unimportant, non-ambiguous, and not urgent.

      3. Medium: If the issue is important but not urgent.

      4. High: If the issue is unimportant but urgent.

      5. Critical: If the issue is both important and urgent. This field is mandatory.

  2. Stakeholder Information Tab

    1. Select the team and main stakeholder responsible for resolving the issue.

    2. Choose additional stakeholders who will contribute to resolving the issue. Multiple participants can be selected.

  3. Planned vs. Actual Tab

    1. Set the planned start date for resolving the issue. This field is mandatory.

    2. Once the planned start date is selected, the planned end date field will be enabled. This field is also mandatory.

3. After filling out the required fields, click the Submit button in the top right corner to create the issue. Upon successful creation of the issue, a confirmation toaster notification will appear.

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