How To Create Portfolio In KTern: A Guide For Existing Users

How to create a Portfolio in KTern.AI for existing users?

1. After login to, you will be navigated to home page. Toggle to “My Portfolios”.

2. Create Portfolio: Click on launch and you will be navigated to the portfolio dashboard, and then click on "Create Portfolio" option.

3. Fill in the Form: 
After clicking on "Create Portfolio" , a drawer will be opened with the form, and provide the following details:
    • Name: Enter the name of the portfolio. This is typically a descriptive name that helps you and others easily identify the portfolio.
    • Projects Linked: Select the projects that you want to link to this portfolio. You can do this by clicking on the field, which should open a dropdown menu. Choose the projects you want to associate with this portfolio.
    • User Access: Specify the users who should have access to this portfolio. You can provide access to users by mentioning their email addresses.

4. Save: After filling out the form with the necessary information, save your portfolio by clicking on "Create" button.