How to add resources to a task?

How to add resources to a task?


KTern as a platform aims to provide the user a single digital workspace where the user can easily plan & implement all the work-items with the resources supporting them, these supporting resources depending upon the work-items maybe files, discussion history, references even notes & links.
The resources to a task can be added through the entire task journey once the task has been created.

1. Navigating to Task

1.1 Project Hub ----> Task

2. Task Wizard

2.1 The task wizard shows the entire list of tasks created with respective to the project.

Use the actions button to edit the task.

3. Resources

The resources to a task can be categorized into:
3.1 Discussions
The major purpose of this option is to track the entire conversational history of the task from the creation to even after the completion of task.
These discussions can be :
3.1.1 Instructions
3.1.2 Information
3.1.3 Reminders
3.1.4 Daily updates

3.2 Files
Files are supporting documents to the task, which might act as a reference to the project plan & the relevancy of the task.

Files to a task can be added through the task wizard as well as directly from the file section.

2.3 Wiki Notes & Links

Any reference links, notes , images and information can be mentioned.

The resources to a task can be added even after the task is completed.

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