KTern provides the user the option of creating an event on the platform. With the option of managing an event on the platform. providing the option of attaching resources to the events exclusively based on each meeting. The resources can vary from Discussions, CTAs, Files. these resources can be attached while a meeting is in scheduled or completed phase.
The resources which can be attached to a meeting are:
1. Summary
2. Meetings Notes
3. Discussions
4. Files
1. Navigating to Calendar
1.1 Project Hub --> Calendar
2. Resources
2.1 Summary
The summary of the meeting is a consolidated list of:
2.1.1 Information
2.1.2 Issue
2.1.3 Status
2.1.4 Decision
2.1.5 CTA
The summary can be added by selecting the “Add new” option, further selecting the type based on
the summary need.
Once the necessary fields are filled and the "Submit" option is selected, the summary list will be populated with newly generated summary element.
This summary list will be attached to meeting report, which can be later downloaded from the
2.2 Meeting Notes
The meeting notes can be more descriptive than normal CTAs, meeting notes provide you with the
option of:
2.2.1 Descriptive Notes
2.2.2 Web-Links
2.2.3 Images
Once the important meeting notes are recorded, the “Save” option can be selected to save the same
in the meeting wizard for future reference.
The Meeting notes won’t be present in the Meeting Report.
2.3 Discussions
Discussions allows the user to comment or generate updates based upon the meetings, which can
range from creation of CTAs to reminders or deadlines. KTern helps the user to save all the discussion
history in each meeting exclusively.
Discussions will be saved and added to the Meeting Report with the Stakeholder reference.
Want to know more about Stakeholders? Check out How to Invite Users in KTern .
2.4 Files
Any reference material related to the Meeting or the Agenda of the meeting can be uploaded based
upon the user requirements.
File uploading can be done directly in the meeting or later from the File Section under Project Hub.
Once uploaded KTern provides the basic details about the file including
2.4.1 Name of the file
2.4.2 Stakeholder who uploaded the file
2.4.3 Date of Upload
File’s information is not included in the Meeting Report.
Once uploaded KTern allows the user with:
2.4.4 Downloading the file
2.4.5 Reading the file
2.4.6 Deleting the file
3. Navigating to Files
3.1 Project Hub --> Calendar --> Event --> File
3.2 Project Hub --> File --> Meetings