How Signoff Can Be Cloned using KTern.AI Signoffs ?
How signoff can be Cloned and Created using KTern.AI Signoffs?
Manual recreation of Signoffs is time-consuming and resource-intensive. It requires users to spend more effort setting up the Signoff instead of focusing on productive tasks. Now let's look into the below steps and understand the usage of Signoff Clone and Create in KTern.AI in Signoff Tree.
Log in to the KTern.AI application using your credentials.
Upon successful login, you will be directed to Project Launchpad
Access the side menu bar and click on "Signoff" and click on the Explorer view and locate the Signoff that requires cloning.
Hover over "+ Add Signoff" and select Clone from the visible popup.
An editable Signoff Drawer will be displayed, allowing for necessary updates to the Signoff details
After editing the details click the "Clone" button to reveal the replicated Signoff alongside the respective original.
Once the Cloned Signoff is successfully created, the signoff tree will load automatically, and the cloned item will be present in the Signoff tree.
Hence cloning Signoff in KTern.AI allows users to quickly replicate complex setups without having to manually recreate each Signoff. This saves time and effort, especially in Signoffs where setups are intricate and involve multiple dependencies
The "Clone and Create" feature in KTern helps reduce time by streamlining the creation of signoffs, ensuring unique signoffs are created while linking the Project Plan and GSI (Global Scope Items). This structured method ensures smooth signoff ...
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