How Does KTern Facilitate Custom Code Remediation?

How Does KTern Facilitate Custom Code Remediation?

KTern offers a comprehensive set of tools for custom code remediation:

  1. Custom Code Center

    1. Provides basic information on each custom program.

    2. Includes impact and optimization scores, security score, usage frequency, priority, module, type, references, and relevant discussions.

    3. Allows assignment of custom codes to relevant stakeholders for seamless collaboration.

  2. Remediation Engine

    1. AI-powered auto-recommendation engine provides a list of remediation recommendations.

    2. Supports bulk remediation for multiple custom programs at once.

  3. Code Editor

    1. Allows manual remediation of code, giving technical consultants the flexibility to make additional changes.


  1. Reduces development effort and project costs for you.

  2. Enables efficient collaboration among stakeholders through the Custom Code Center.

  3. Provides a user-friendly interface for manual remediation in the Code Editor.

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