KTern offers the user to assign and create sign-off based on the project requirement. The sign-off workflow starts from creating the sign-off to closing after the last approval of the approval matrix.
The Sign-off workflow includes adding references, tracking the progress of approval and also the resources which might include files , discussions, notes & supporting links.
1. Navigating to Sign-off
1.1 Project Hub ---> Sign-off
2. Creation of Sign-off
2.1 Select "Add Sign-off" option from the sign-off cockpit.
2.2 Add basic info to the sign-off at the "Overview".
2.3 Navigate to "Stakeholders" to create the approval matrix.
2.4 Add "reference" item to link it with the project plan.
3. Resources of Sign-off
Resources which are attached to sign-offs can be files, discussions, Notes & links.
Use the actions button to access the sign-off.
3.1 Discussions
The major purpose of this option is to track the entire conversational history of the sign-off from the creation to even after the completion of sign-off.
These discussions can be :
3.1.1 Instructions
3.1.2 Information
3.1.3 Reminders
3.1.4 Daily updates
3.2 Files
Files are supporting documents to the sign-off, which might act as a reference to the project plan & the relevancy of the sign-off.
Files to a task can be added through the task wizard as well as directly from the file section.
4. Sign-off Approval/Rejection
Sign-off can be approved or rejected based on the project plan.
A sign-off approval and rejection can be done with comments.
KTern doesn't allow auto-escalation matrix
Quick-fill filters can be used to view overdue sign-off items.
5. Sign off re-approvals
The sign-offs pushed for rejection , once made the required changes can be pushed for re-approvals.
The re-approval matrix starts back from the lower level.