how can i add files against my sign off ?

how can i add files against my sign off ?


KTern allows the user to add to resources to sign-off which might be a reference material or a support document.
These support documents can be uploaded directly with sign-off or added in the file section with the respective sign-off.

1. Navigating

The following steps can be followed to upload the files with sign-off in the Sign-off Wizard.

1.1 Access the Sign-off wizard to select the action button.

1.2  Select the Files option

1.3  Select the Upload options

1.4  Once the file is uploaded, select the options to download, view or delete the file.

1.5  To save the file against the sign-off, click on update to save the changes.

1.6. KTern provides real-time notification on the platform about the changes made.

Want to learn more about Files? Check Out KTern & File Management

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