How Are Auto scheduled Start and Auto scheduled End Determined For Tasks In KTern?

How Are Auto scheduled Start and Auto scheduled End Determined For Tasks In KTern?

The Auto scheduled Start and Auto scheduled End fields dynamically determine the start and end dates of tasks (both parent and child) based on predefined logic. This ensures scheduling without manual intervention.

Child Tasks
Each child task’s Auto scheduled Start and Auto scheduled End are calculated based on its status:
  1. New 
    1. Auto scheduled Start: The earlier of Planned Start or Today’s Date
    2. Auto scheduled End: Auto scheduled Start + Planned Duration

  2. In Progress
    1. Auto scheduled Start: Actual Start
    2. Auto scheduled End: Actual Start + Planned Duration

  3. Completed
    1. Auto scheduled Start: Actual Start
    2. Auto scheduled End: Actual Start + Actual Duration

Parent Tasks
A parent task’s Auto scheduled Start and Auto scheduled End are determined based on its child tasks:
  1. Auto scheduled Start: The earliest Auto scheduled Start among all its child tasks.
  2. Auto scheduled End: The latest Auto scheduled End among all its child tasks.