Can a sign off have multiple stakeholders ?

Can a sign off have multiple stakeholders ?


KTern as an automated platform understands that a sign-off can have a multiple approvers at the same level as well as an approval matrix can also be followed for the entire sign-off journey. Hence, the platform provides the user with the option of adding multiple stakeholders at the same as well as different levels of approvals.
The Stakeholders of a sign-off are to be fixed while the sign-off is being created.

1. Navigating to Sign-Offs

1.1 Project Hub --> Sign-off
The Sign-off cockpit will allow the user to view all the sign-offs created with regard to the project.

2. Add Sign-off Item

2.1 Select the "add sign-off item" option to navigate to sign-off creation so that multiple stakeholders can be assigned.

2.2 The user has to fill the basic sign-off info and then navigate to the stakeholders.

3. Stakeholders

Accessing the stakeholders option, provides access to creation of approval matrix of the sign-off.

3.1  Multiple stakeholders at the same level.
By default, KTern has single level single approval matrix.

Select the "Add approver" option to add multiple stakeholders to the same level.

3.2  Multiple stakeholders at multiple level
select the "add new level" option to add multiple levels to the matrix.

Similarly, number of stakeholders can be increased at each level.

Even though KTern allows multiple stakeholders at the same as well as at different levels. Same stakeholder can't be assigned multiple in the same sign-off.

Check out more about how to add resources to sign-offs!

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