Muthuvenil Release - 2404 ( 26 April, 2024 )

Muthuvenil Release - 2404 ( 26 April, 2024 )

What’s New !
  1. Digital Maps
    1. Testcase Integration Bot
      1. Automatically creates test plans and test scenarios for respective business processes, streamlining the testing workflow.
    2. Tree Grid Table in Timeline Assessment
      1. Introduced a tree grid table to enhance timeline assessments.
  2. App Tour
    1. Digital Labs 
      1. The app tour has been designed to guide new users through the functionalities of Digital Labs, offering a smoother and more informative introduction to the platform.
  3. My Portfolio
    1. SWT Governance Dashboard
      1. New dashboards have been implemented to manage and monitor Solution Walkthrough (SWT) sessions. These dashboards display key performance indicators (KPIs) such as total, scheduled, started, completed, rescheduled, and cancelled SWT sessions. Segment-wise status breakdowns and summaries are also included to enhance data visibility and decision-making.
    2. Search is now available on the Edit Portfolio page and the Portfolio Launchpad, improving navigation and accessibility.
  4. Digital projects
    1. Tasks
      1. Task Description Suggestor: Automatically generates task descriptions and provides step-by-step guidance on how to approach each task.
    2. Calendar & Events
      1. Seamless Integration: Events created in KTern now automatically block corresponding time slots in both Teams and Outlook calendars.
      2. Users receive Outlook confirmation notifications, ensuring schedules are accurately updated.
  5. Digital Labs
    1. Issues
      1. Issues can now be assigned directly by providing details in the assign-to field or based on team assignment.
      2. Issues can be linked with references for better tracking.
  6. General
    1. Amplitude
      1. Enhanced event tracking across the KTern platform to better monitor and analyze user activities, leading to continuous improvements in the user experience.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes !
  • We listened to all your requests and our dev team was busy killing those pesky bugs to make your SAP transformation much smoother and sleeker.
  1. Mobile Application
    1. Enhanced Signoff Cards
      1. Signoff cards now clearly indicate whether they have been fully approved or rejected.
    2. Update Restrictions
      1. Users are now restricted from updating a signoff if no changes are detected, ensuring data integrity.
    3. Improved Signoff Wizard
      1. Minute edge cases in updating approvers within the signoff wizard have been carefully reconsidered for smoother functionality.
    4. Optimized Dashboard API Calls
      1. Enhanced API calls for the dashboard to improve performance when initiating the app.
  2. Digital Projects
    1. Signoffs
      1. Resolved the issue where the signoff drawer was not opening from the Signoff Wizard.
      2. Fixed the issue where the signoff group name was not updating outside the explorer view.
    2. Boards
      1. Fixed the problem where changing the card color resulted in it turning grey.
      2. Resolved the issue where copying and pasting the owner field instead of choosing it caused it to not save and keep loading.
      3. Solved the problem where items were getting deleted when the overdue filter was applied.
    3. Backlog
      1. Corrected the issue where the letter "h" was repeating under MSCW priority, requirements, and status fields.
    4. Clone & Create
      1. Resolved the issue where users were unable to save cloned and created items.
    5. Calendar & Events
      1. Fixed the issue where meeting names were not appearing in the dropdown while adding CTAs.
    6. Files
      1. Corrected the issue where folders showing 0 files despite having files in them.
    7. Timeline
      1. Workbook
        1. Parent L1 Column: Added to the workbook to support better organization.
        2. Task Creation from Filters: Tasks can now be created directly from applied filters.
        3. Concurrent Editing: Multiple users can edit the workbook simultaneously with enhanced functionality to manage updates efficiently.
        4. History View: Users can view recent updates before saving changes, with a drawer displaying the last 10 updates.
        5. Enhanced Save Process: The project plan refreshes with recent changes, preserving user modifications and maintaining the parent-children hierarchy.
        6. Data Integrity: Verified accuracy of notifications, ensured data integrity, and reduced the risk of data conflicts during concurrent updates.
        7. Fixed the issue where the variance column showed incorrect data despite date changes.
        8. Resolved the issue where multiple users were unable to save edits at the same time.
        9. Fixed the problem where users were unable to save the workbook after performing filter and update operations.
        10. Corrected the issue with toggling views in the workbook.
      2. Simulation
        1. Automatic Date Updates: Adding dependencies now auto-updates the dates.
        2. Horizontal Scroll and Quarterly Gantt View: Improved navigation with horizontal scroll and a new quarterly view for Gantt charts.
        3. Improved filter functionality in simulation.
        4. Restored the action column containing the "i" icon and "delete" icon for easier usage.
        5. Fixed the issue where the active percentage displayed an incorrect value when weightage was not available.