Kaar Release - 2406 (24 June 2023)

Kaar Release - 2406 (24 June 2023)

What’s New !
  1. Digital projects
    1. Portfolio Dashboard 
      1. Enabled live data updates for the portfolio, allowing for immediate reflection of project data changes with live cache clearing.
    2. Simulation
      1. A new version of the simulation with best-in-class user experience and new features.
      2. Level Expansion: Introduced an option to collapse or expand tasks level by level.
      3. Workstream Filter: Tasks can now be filtered by workstream.
      4. Indentation Adjustment: Indentation is now applied to the title rather than the WBS number.
      5. Visual Changes in Gantt: Updated row height and colors in the Gantt view for a better user experience.
      6. Filters in Fullscreen Mode: Filter options are now available in full screen mode for improved focus and governance.
      7. Date Filters: Separated into "Planned From" and "Planned To" for improved filtering precision.
      8. Row Numbers in Gantt: Added to enhance navigation and reference.
      9. Overdue Filter: Now available to filter overdue items from the project plan, helping in timely management and tracking.
      10. Column Display/Hide Options in Fullscreen : Columns can be selected or hidden to refine the table according to user needs in full screen mode.
Enhancements & Bug Fixes !
  • We listened to all your requests and our dev team was busy killing those pesky bugs to make your SAP transformation much smoother and sleeker.
  • General
    • Project Launchpad
      • Resolved the issue with the project not loading occasionally when users attempted to reload the application.
    • Ticket Centre -Organization tickets
      • Fixed the issue with the action column's edit and delete icons so that they are now displayed and working perfectly.
  • Digital Projects
    • Dashboard
      •  Updated the dashboard to reflect the newly created task count without page loading or shifting.
      • Fixed the issue with displaying status-wise task count for individuals in the Resource Utilization table after applying the overdue filter.
    • Users 
      • Resolved the issue with inviting users and assigning them to work items.
      • Users will now receive timely email alerts for newly created test cases, ensuring they stay informed about updates.
    • Issues 
      • Issue ID: The issue ID is now included, allowing users to search for issues using the search bar, facilitating easier tracking and referencing
      • 'Last Edited On' column:  The 'Last Edited On' column has been added to the Issues section for improved tracking of issue updates.
      • Fixed the issue with the Comments, Last Edited By, and Last Edited fields so that they now display correctly in the work items table.
    • Tasks  
      • Solved the issue with displaying the work package name in the work item hierarchy in the task update drawer.
    • Timeline
      • Workbook
        • Solved the issue with the active percentage not updating correctly in the workbook after updating through the task drawer.
        • Resolved the issue with the rolling up of Planned Milestone % to its work package.
      • Simulation
        • Fixed the issue where updates in the task drawer are now reflected on the simulation page without needing to reload the page.
        • Resolved the issue with child task dates not rolling up properly to the parent.
        • Updated the task information tooltip to display only after a few seconds of hovering.
        • Resolved the inconvenience of the task update popup appearing when clicking on the WBS to copy it.
        • Fixed the issue where, after launching a particular wave and returning to the main pane, only that specific wave was showing.
        • Made the Owner dropdown list appear in alphabetical order for easier selection.
        • Resolved the loading issue that caused the page to display empty intermittently.
        • Fixed Gantt view bars to correctly reflect the planned-to-date set for them.
        • Solved the issue with the Workstream dropdown options not displaying.
    • Signoffs
      • Solved issue with dates not displaying properly in the Signoff Cockpit list view
      • Resolved the problem where overdue signoff counts were not reflecting correctly in My Workspace.
      • Fixed the issue with signoffs being mapped incorrectly with the signoff group in the signoff drawer and during download.
    • Milestones 
      • Resolved the unknown error thrown when saving milestones.
    • Boards 
      • Introduced the priority feature for tasks in Custom Boards, enabling better task management based on priority.
      • Corrected the Custom Boards overdue indicator to accurately display the count of delayed items.
    • Portfolio- Wave performance tracker dashboard 
      • Program start date widget, Program end date widget and Program progress widget has been added.
      • Wave-wise filtering option is now available to use all KPIs for wave-wise tracking
      • Wave-wise milestone governance functionality has been implemented for focusing on critical, less-progressed milestones of the selected wave to achieve timely wave completion.
      • Wave information tooltip to provide clear details on each card and KPI has been added.
      • Planned vs actual progress line bar chart for the wave has been introduced.
  • Digital Labs
    • Test Cases
      • Solved the issue where cloned test cases were not appearing in Transformation Hub > Testcases.
      • The Test Lab Step card now displays whether the 'Actual result data' is available or not.
      • Title field for creating a defect in the Testcase Wizard is now correctly marked as required.
      • Fixed the issue with the calendar so that it now restricts users from selecting dates beyond the project duration while creating defects.